Dream Reader – Blogging 101 #4

“Today’s Assignment: publish a post for your dream reader, and include a new-to-you element in it.

To my dream reader, although I may not know who you are at present and I may not know what I want to say to you just yet, I am going to let you in to the little babbling thoughts floating around in my head. Right now, this is my gift to you – a part of me. I hope that one day I will know you are and I hope that one day you browse through my blog and stumble across all my little babble sessions… Over time these are the things I have grown to learn and the lessons that I hope I will continue to take into my future… (more…)

Blogging 101 # 10 – Be inspired by the community

Firstly, I will admit, I have slacked a lot of my blog this last week and as I catch up, I have decided to add on to my blog the “500 word challenge”… by chance, while going through my updates and recent comments on my posts, I came across an article by “The fickle Heartbeat” called “Finding me before I find you” in Irasia’s columns (http://thefickleheartbeat.com/2014/08/17/finding-me-before-i-find-you/ )

As I was browsing through her blog, the title caught my attention because it is something I am currently going through – finding myself as an I, not a WE. (more…)

The meaning behind the name…

                                                                                   Kelebek Ali

My reason behind my name is more about expressing myself. Kelebek means “Butterfly” in Turkish and “Ali” means “Wings” in Italian.

In the past couple of years, butterflies have been showing up in my life:

  • my cousin put a butterfly sticker on my phone

  • I got a butterfly necklace as a gift.

  • Both are the images I used to teach my niece the word “butterfly” (the first word I taught her)

  • my sister gave all her bridesmaids a butterfly necklace earlier this year;

  • I had to hunt for a white shirt for a family photo shoot and it ended up having a butterfly on it.
